Friday, March 21, 2008

Remember Hugo Claus

Hugo Claus was a great Belgian writer, a painter, wrote stories for theatres , wrote novels, wrote poetry etc.
Too much to place everything here.

To remember a homage website is created on
If you have a story, a picture or just want to leave a note, please do so.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Blog About Green Energy Launched

As you already know, I invested in the production of energy-saving products in China (Solar panels and lamps). But when I was talking with people around the world, I still receive many questions about green energy.

I was surprissed as this is a huge business already and many information is available all around.

Well to promote the green energy and energy-saving products, I launched a Green Blog, this website will be publishing articles about the green subject.

Have a visit on

For the moment this Green Blog is in Dutch and talking about Green energy in Belgium. Other countries and languages will follow.